Grap > Capture > Screen : Follow this instruction to take a snip of the entire screen.When you have entered into Grab and the next question that arises in your mind is “how to take a screenshot on mac of whole page or a portion of a page”. Grab Snipping Tool for Mac Download Grab Now How Grab Works on Mac You can use keyboard shortcuts with it.All recent versions of macOS include it there is no need to download it.It offers various screen-capture modes.Grab determines the size of an object on a screen.The best part is that Grab comes bundled with all modern macOS versions, so you don’t have to search for links to download Snipping Tool for Mac. Grab, like Snipping Tool for Windows, provides various screen-capture modes and keyboard shortcuts. Grab lets you take screenshots of your screen and save them as images. How do you change the location of your screenshots on Mac?.Is there a sniping tool available for Mac?.TextSnoper App Snipping Tool for Mac Prime Features.Green snipping tool for mac Prime Feature.Download cloudapp snipping tool for mac.CloudApp the one of the Best Snipping Tool for Mac Prime Features:.Snagit the Best Snipping Tool for Mac Prime Features:.